The holidays are a great time to enjoy time with our family and friends, celebrate life, be grateful and reflect on what is important. According to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) here are some tips to support your efforts for a healthy and safe holiday season.
1. Wash your hands often – keeping hands clean can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs
2. Stay warm – cold temperatures can cause serious health problems, especially in infants and older adults
3. Manage stress – keep your commitments and spending in check
4. Travel safely – Don’t drink and drive or let someone else drink and drive. Also, be sure to wear a seat belt every time you drive or ride in a motor vehicle and make sure to buckle your child using a child safety seat that is appropriate for his/her height, weight and age.
5. Be smoke-free – avoid smoking or breathing someone else’s smoke
6. Get check-ups and vaccinations – Screenings and exams can help find potential problems early, when chances for treatment and cure are often better. Vaccinations help prevent diseases and save lives.
7. Watch the kids – children are at a high risk for injuries
8. Prevent injuries – injuries can happen anywhere and often occur around holidays
9. Handle and prepare food safely – keep yourself and your family safe from food-borne illness
10. Eat healthy and be active – you can enjoy the holidays the healthy way through balance and moderation
We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year!